hey lets make and fix some shit because its fun and good for you!
i grew up between two frugal households so its in my nature to boast and brag about how i fixed my shoe with a bent nail in high school (they got me through all 4 years!!)
as far back as i can remember ive always (wanted to be a gangster) resented the wealthy and overconsumption, and all that resentment, envy and hatred shaped me into the problem having DIY fanatic i am today
i take pride in anything i can mend back together or create from what would seem like trash to superficial people, thats what gives it charm and personality, it gives whatever you're holding a story to tell, a story that might secretly inspire the people around you to get crafty! i will always encourage everyone i interact with to pick up a hobby of some kind (or several), and ill never let anyone shame me for what i make for my own enjoyment (as you never should either, "cringe culture" is dead man, you're just your own worst critic)
how i make patches :D
i came up with this myself because patches cost too much fucking money imo and id rather buy other shit (ive also tried and cannot do embroidery to save my life)
mild disclaimer: the waterproof-ness of this deserves to be questioned (idk idc LMAO) BUT everything ive made has survivied through harsh rain and cramped vehicles
what you'll need:
bonus trick 1: dental floss is a reliable go-to for sewing patches onto things when you have no durable thread
step one: cut out of the thin cardboard the shape and size of the patch you wanna make (i usually eyeball it because idgaf)

step two: cut out a piece of scrap fabric to stretch over and around the cardboard, make sure its tightly stretched around so you have a flat painting surface on the front of the patch

step three: pin the edges on the back together and sew it all together (make sure the front is still stretched flat!!) (you may need to cut a slightly bigger piece of scrap fabric as shown below!)

step four: painting time!! paint your patch woooo!!!
(pretend i have an unsewn patch to show you LOL)
step five: after it dries, sew or glue it onto whatever you want! the cardboard might put up a fight if you sew it on but you'll quickly get into your own groove i promise

step six: profit, you now hold the power to say "i made em and you can make your own too!!!" when random fellow patch enjoyers stop you to ask "woah where'd you get those??" (source: happened to me once while i was using an atm LOL)
bonus trick 2: use pliers to help yourself push and yank the needle through the cardboard and whatever you're sewing into
bonus trick 3: if you're applying it to a trickier area (like on a sleeve) use a bit of fabric glue to help hold your patch in place while you sew it down