this entire site is being held together with rubber bands and functions by total luck

get to know me (a bit)

more bits of info

i made my neocities account in 2021 but immediately dipped when i realized i had to code the site myself (LOL) so im new to the coding scene and have been enjoying the infuriating joy of watching some words i put in a box do magic! im hoping i can get good enough to restyle this place to my exact liking, but for now i guess i can settle for having a site at all

im moreso an artist/animator, im completely self taught and i work almost exclusively in 2D (not just because blender makes no sense to me) because i simply have a bias for it, i grew up watching shit like looney tunes so smooth 2D frame by frame animation keeps my heart pumping blood to my brain (blenders grease pencil looks so sexy tho...)

i playa da bass and smokea da weed

im also not that fond of labeling myself in any capacity, i simply wish to not have to mentally suffer someday lolol

i suck at opening up so here are crudely edited about me sheets

(hover over em to enlarge em)

below you lies the portal to my personal blog

adults only for i am one of those (enter below if you dare)