i totally definitely paid the like what 600? bucks for sony vegas and plugins for it yes totally (no the fuck i did not and you never should either)

video edits

hey welcome to my video editing page!

i promise im capable of editing "serious" things (im just born to be silly) but i only got stupid YTP type garbage to show off

sony vegas is terrible avoid using it at all costs- more to be posted soon!

if you like anything you see and need some artistic work done (or know someone who does!) hit me up at jayszonemedia@yahoo.com so we can get the ball rollin!

PLEASE learn by my mistake and KNOW YOUR WORKERS RIGHTS

(volume warning!)

this was edited over the course of a year as i struggled to land my first job, landed it(!), then proceeded to have my workers rights violated(HEY WAIT) and have my tips stolen from me(WHAT THE FUCK MAN) so enjoy as i go try to find another job

advertising my wares

this video is currently being made!